This is very hard for me to write. It’s kind of ridiculous actually but for some reason I had a traumatic experience while watching a movie. It happened a couple of years ago. My husband and I decided to rent a horror movie called ________. I refuse to write the name of this movie (that’s how bad a memory it is for me) but you should be able to figure it out once I describe the plot in the most brief descriptive I can conjure up.
Basically, it was about a sick f--- scientist/mad man who kidnapped three people and surgically connects them to each other. That’s all I’ll give you because I just don’t want to describe it. But, the point in me telling you this is that such a silly horror movie changed my outlook on horror movies forever. I don’t know if it’s the fact that I’m getting older or that this movie was the king of all gruesome flicks but I no longer have any desire to see another horror film, ever.
I use to love them. I’ve seen all the saws in theatre. I grew up on the elm streets, screams, hostiles, chainsaws, etc. but this just showed me the depths of how the human mind can actually produce the sickest scenarios. I now know and understand that there are people out there who have the most indecent, gut wrenching idea’s and to actually see those ideas come to life on screen, was the most horrifying image I could ever see. It took something as idiotic as a human centipede (ok…there I wrote it L) to scar me for my adult life.
I guess you can simply equate it to getting older, losing your innocents and understanding that bad things and people DO exist. Meanwhile, we are told as children that monsters DON’T exist and it’s all fake, but that is just said to get our children to sleep. Monsters DO exist! I am so careful not to scare my children but I am certainly instilling the fact that there ARE bad people out there. Take for example the monster in Brooklyn . If it wasn’t for that nine year old angel, who I believe was called upon by God to take on such a sacrificial doom, that mad man would probably still be out there chopping up children. I know! It’s horrifying to write, let alone read, but I guess we all have to acknowledge the dark side we live amongst because knowledge is power and we need all the power we can get to protect our children.
Max knows all about stranger danger. He’s taken the courses and I give him refreshers. I try to explain that adults are not always right. Just because it’s a teacher, a nurse, a babysitter, etc. doesn’t mean their word is the end all be all. The old school way of thinking was to respect your elders no matter what….end of story! I do agree that kids should learn to respect adults but to put it bluntly; there are a lot of morons out there who don’t deserve respect, even from a child. It’s a hard line to draw in the sand for our children. Hopefully, they will follow our lead and figure out the good from the bad. I’m trying to instill good instincts in addition to “the rules”.
I think watching suck a f----- up horror movie after having my kids had a whole different impact on me. And simply put….I just didn’t like it.